Stanley Grange Community

At Stanley Grange our vision, working alongside our care provider and chosen partner, Future Directions CIC is to create a vibrant and life-fulfilling community for all residents.

Surrounded by acres of green space, Stanley Grange is nestled between Preston and Blackburn and is home to 43 adults with learning disabilities and complex needs aged between 22 and 70 years old.

What makes Stanley Grange unique is the intentional approach we take to supporting the needs of adults with learning disabilities. Our strong partnership with Future Directions CIC, and the person-centred approach taken to ensure all residents are actively participating in local communities, provides an example to others of how care models can be modernised to achieve positive outcomes.

Stanley Grange provides residents with a range of housing choices which includes bungalows, houses, cottages and flats. Options for living include; supported living, residential care, and nursing care. Some residents have lived at Stanley Grange for over 40 years, either in shared accommodations or in single-occupancy flats.

Life at Stanley Grange is welcoming, safe and fun. Residents are surrounded by their friends and can pop into each others’ houses as and when they want. As well as being active members of the Stanley Grange community, residents also access local opportunities, visiting towns and villages nearby, participating in local clubs, and using amenities nearby. Stanley Grange neighbours talk with pride about their Stanley Grange.

“Stanley Grange is part of our community; we know the residents. We have grown alongside each other. We know who will want to chat and who won’t and enjoy meeting them out walking in the lanes. Each year we are invited to several functions, such as the pantomime, bonfire, summer garden party and Christmas Fair, and are always made welcome. We enjoy seeing Stanley Grange residents attend the village annual barn dance at the Memorial Hall, and hosting their plant stall at the village church fete every summer.”

Louise Morton

Learn more about life at Stanley Grange from our resident stories.