How you can help

Stanley Grange Community Association relies on the support of both individuals and organisations. Anyone can join the association and there are opportunities to help with fundraising, onsite projects or annual events where you will be working with a friendly group of committed volunteers. It’s a chance to make a difference in a really tangible way.

In addition to the fundraising efforts of our volunteers, we receive significant support through grants from trusts, foundations and the National Lottery. The donations and grants we receive are invested in three main areas of work.

  • Our 12-stage refurbishment and modernisation plan to improve all resident accommodations and facilities on site. Learn more.
  • Supporting the work of our full-time Activities Coordinator whose skills and work are central to the daily lives of residents. Learn more.
  • Ongoing fundraising that allows us to support residents and activities on site. This includes buying specialist bikes, and outdoor sensory instruments, purchasing tablets, laptops and ipads to keep residents connected to their loved ones, and buying Christmas, Birthday and Easter gifts for residents without any family members. Donate to support our general fund here.

All donations big and small are gratefully received and play a vital part in helping us support and create a vibrant community at Stanley Grange where all residents can thrive.

We would like to acknowledge and thank the following for their support:

  • The Wolfson Foundation
  • Edward Gostling Foundation
  • The National Lottery
  • Bernard Sunley Foundation
  • The Oliver Ford Trust
  • The Wilks Family
  • The Spencer-Palmer Family
  • The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund
  • The Community Foundation for Lancashire
  • Garfield Weston Foundation
  • Sobell Foundation
  • The Clothworkers Foundation
  • WO Street Charitable Foundation
  • The Will Charitable Trust
  • The Orbell Charitable Trust
  • The Dowager Countess Eleanor Peel Trust
  • John and Lindsey Leng
  • All trusts, foundations and Individuals who choose to donate anonymously.

If you are a Trust or Foundation and want to learn more about supporting our work at Stanley Grange, please contact our Operations and Project Coordinator on